Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Building, planting..

This was another thought of mine: little wooden sticks, a bit like matches, that I've used when I was a kid and now bumped into them in a children's art camp in June. It would be wicked to build something with them -they're fragile but still strick and wooden.

Another idea

Hi again,

the second idea I have is something that I would like everyone to contribute to. It would be a wall full of Lomo film pictures with the subject matter of love, affection, kisses, cuteness, hugs, happyness, etc.

The reason why I want to do a happy-happy-joy-joy type of an art piece is that it feels like I am always making art about something that is not right. I am critizising the gender hierarchys, the sexual politics, the society, the environmental politics, the escapism, etc. My art makes people laugh occasionally, but the h
umor is always black or ironic.

So this is my attempt to make something that feeds from positive. And to also create something that is positive and fun to make. And to me this is hard, even now when I think about the name for this piece my mind goes back to it's old habits and comes up with names like: "The photo moment lasts less than a second", "The biggest diversion on earth", "In 100 years all is dead" and all pathetic names possible to come up with. So as you can see, I really need help with this! To stay focused on the main idea and not wonder of to the cosy field of agony.

I would also hope that people already have lomo cameras or they know a friend of a friend with a lomo camera that they could borrow. And if everyone could take a couple of rolls of film, there would be a full wall of love from different countries and people.

Here's an example of one photo that I have taken.

And here's a link to lomo cameras in general:

Hi everyone.

I have similar approach to the symposium as Aino. To use something that is lying around useless, but can be something inspiring.

I have had these small (10 x 15 cm) wooden boards for years waiting to be used. There's approximately 350 of them and they are 1 cm thick. And I have now decided to bring them with me. I am imagining several things what they could be.

-We could paint them with white gesso and draw things on them with pencil.
-We could build something of them, a tower, a maze, an iglu....
-We could paint them with bright colors and form one big wall, or a painting.
-They could be half buried in a ground, so that you could only see half of them, it would be like semetary for small drawings that change in time.
-All the pictures in the boards could form a one long story that everyone take part in. Kind of like making a 350 panel-comic that is made collectively.

I would really be excited to hear what you would do with them!


Friday, June 25, 2010

Having zero ideas, just fragments of colors, materials and such, so I thought I should approach the whole thing from a practical point of view:

It has to be something that can be operated in two weeks without having to compromise with the end result. And it has to be something that can be removed to another place. And I’d really want it to be site specific, installation of some kind BUT I’d also love to make a real story, with a hint of comic or such. Yeah, quite a wishlist..

I’ve been trying to paint along the spring but somehow been feeling a bit depressed with the oil colors. It’s such a demanding material and I’m more used to acrylics and pencils and paper cut, quick, clear, impatient materials. I’ve been dying to get some new, fresh idea, some new toy or an inspiring obsession.. and few nights ago I got it!

This might sound silly but I was wondering what I could do with all these old stockings my miniature apartment is full of –little holes here and there, faded colors and stains, but all in all, still not something to just throw away. So it hit me like a hammer, that I HAVE to go and buy cotton and start filling the stockings to make little, soft, colorful balls. For what? Well, that I don’t know yet… All I know that I’m definitely bringing them with me to Kolin, and they’re somehow part of the art piece I’m making there.

Any ideas?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Planting inspiration

This first-ever-blogging is too exciting..!